Creative Practice: Fresh Start

There are many ways to begin a creative practice. If you’re stuck finding a path to the process, start fresh. Rethink, refuel and rework your ideas, and resupply as needed.

My painter personality gets nerdy joy from the endless possibilities of a freshly prepared palette. First, I had to realize it was time to upgrade materials to up my game. In my studio, this is difficult because I conserve art supplies and useful items are never discarded, only recycled or shared with other makers. In the spirit of beginning again, some drawings and paintings are transformed into materials for collage or creative compost or the garbage. When I’m cleaning my slate, wiping away the old shades to apply new tones, the portal of expression opens.

The ritual of preparing for creativity sets a mood and intention for the process. When it’s time for a creative fresh start there are things to gather to get moving and do it. It could be a new pair of walking shoes, a renewed museum membership card, a road map to an undiscovered park, an online enrichment class, or a blank journal and favorite pen. Simple pleasures are abundant without the need for too much technical equipment, expense, or effort. Start with what you know and do what you love. Basic is better. For me, new colors in various qualities of paint are practical tools that initiate my whimsy and most-loved activity. A fresh palette offers a hopeful perspective and a way forward. A set of colorful watercolors, a paintbrush, and quality paper feels like the place, just right, with the freedom to explore and express at my best.

Whether it’s a bathing cap or watercolor palette, having the right equipment and mindset gets the creative activity done. Ready, set, GO! Jump in! Aaahh! Wow! Like an athlete, the artist has an adrenal rush of energy that follows desire and releases to the flow and movement of the moment. Beginning a creative practice can be like diving into the ocean - maybe it will feel wild and chilly, but we are always stronger and braver than we think. When we overcome hesitation and take the risk of unknown newness, we emerge refreshed and resilient. Go ahead, leap into wellness. You can do it!

We learn by using new tools and trying different things. Honing skills and flexing creative muscles engender a positive approach that increases well-being and enjoyment. We live and love the experience of doing our creativity. We do it and do it again to refine our craft. A swimmer’s stroke or artist’s brushstroke takes practice, practice, practice. See and feel where the flow of your practice takes you. Grab some color on your brush and let it swim on the paper. You are the artist in residence in your life, and the world is your palette.

Written by Laura Jaquays for the ART HOPE Journal.


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